Personalized Massages

You are unique so your massage should be too!
Using different techniques I've learnt we will discuss and decide together your needs.
A blend of Abhyanga to help balance "doshas" (i.e. दोष three substance present in the body according to the ayurvedic medecine), a princh of PNF streaching to restore neuromuscular function, a hint of reflexiology or deep tissue technique with or without essential oils blend to help you relax and heal.

30 min - 60 min - 90 min

Machine Assisted Waves Therapy

This treatment will aid in lymph and blood circulation and increase the healing rate of your muscles and skin. 
It can alleviate the swelling, reduce muscle pain, reduce water retention and reduce the appearance of cellulite. 

Performed with vibraport G5 technologies.

30 min sessions