Sarga Bodywork

Imagine a world where time stands still, and the gentle caress of a skilled therapist's bare feet whispers secrets to your body. In this realm, the ancient art of Sarga Bodywork comes alive, combining the wisdom of barefoot massage with the latest fascia science.
As the therapist's feet glide across your skin, the slow, sustained pressure melts away tension, allowing the body to rediscover its natural harmony. The high-tack contact is like a warm embrace, holding space for the body to surrender and release.
In this sacred space, the body is freed from the constant din of modern life, where time is a luxury few can afford. Sarga Bodywork is a balm for the weary soul, a reminder that slowing down can be a powerful catalyst for transformation.
In this slow-motion dance, the body is reborn, rediscovering its connection to itself and the world around it. The world may move at a frenetic pace, but in this sanctuary of Sarga Bodywork, time stands still, and all that remains is the gentle touch of human connection.

90min to 120 min

Why give it a try?

  • Reconnect with Your Body your body knows no boundaries, from your mind to your cells, everything is interconnected. Your emotions affect your nervous system, which in turn affects your tissues.
  • Deep pressure without pain each strokes a soft crescendo into the depts of your being
  • Enhanced Wellbeing relaxes contracted muscles, stimulates length and hydration in the tissue, and improves circulation